Will I be able to make a living as Silkenvoice?
1. Foundation Achievement card: Anything you do will be successful -- You can put out into the universe what you expect and the universe will create it for you. This card also represents family in some way.
2. Heartache and Loss card: When heartache and loss come, step back and reflect on what you want.
3. Standing Your Ground card: Stand by what you believe or what you want to do -- don't let others discourage you.
4. Emotional Loss card: Something you wanted to do but didn't pursue will be a source of feelings of loss.
5. Spiritual Strength card (next to Standing Your Ground): You have spiritual strength, and will become more and more spiritual as you get older.
6. Hope card: Life is like a playground for you; don't worry about negativity or it will become a block; remain hopeful.
7. Mental Conflict: You will find yourself wondering what direction you should move forward on -- go with your intuition.
8. Triumph card (above heartache and loss): All will go well, all will turn out well.
9. Recognition/Rewards: Business is picking up -- will pick up -- will develop into other things: the acorn will become a tree.
10. Disruption/Destruction card (running parallel with mental conflict card): I see you torn in 4 different directions -- lots of pans in the fire, not sure where to concentrate -- slow down, meditate, think about what you want to do.
11. Positive Movement Forward card (individual in a boat heading toward a sunset): Moving forward, all will go well if you are moving in the right direction for you.
12. Rejoicing and Celebration card (3 people toasting with a goblet of something): There are more positive, great things coming with the direction you are going -- lots of happiness and celebration.
13. Suffering in Silence card: Even though in the future you will rejoice, there is the idea connecting with emotional loss that there are going to be some things that bother you when you're older that you didn't complete... something started and not fulfilled (regrets). Overall balance of life though, the regrets will be outweighed by celebration.
Summary: Take time to reflect on what I want out of life. Contemplate, then choose. Overall -- When I look back at my life I'll say "Wow, look at what I've done!"
Answer to question: Will I be able to make a living as Silkenvoice? YES
The most peculiar thing about this reading is that he did it just a couple of days before my AudioSensual podcast RSS had technical difficulties that resulted in it being de-listed from iTunes. This might not sound like a bit deal, but it was. The podcast was the main venue for driving sales to my Erotic Audio site AudioSensual.com as well as my AudioSensual Erotic Shorts CD. When the podcast went down, so did my sales revenue, and in the resulting period of distress, I forgot the details of the Reading, until I stumbled upon my notes today.
Within the context of the Reading and its central question, my radical, pattern-making brain is picking over the cards.
#2: Heartache and Loss -- Well, I guess the loss of the podcast and the revenue stream in December, and my sister's car accident and related family drama could be what he saw coming. His recommendation with regards to it was to "step back and reflect on what you want." Which, interestingly enough, is what my lover has been encouraging me to do, again and again, all month.
I have been seriously re-considering my choice to pursue making a living doing what I love rather than return to Corporate America. I even checked a few job sites, but the pickings are slim in my field right now, and the few openings I've seen would require commutes of 2 to 3 hours a day. This is where #3 Standing Your Ground comes in, I suppose. Stand by what I want to do and don't be discouraged -- because card #1 indicates that whatever I put out into the universe as an expectation will be created. OK, I can handle that.
I'm not quite sure what #4 will represent within the context of him saying it will be with regards to something I wanted to do but didn't pursue (unless it is giving up on my dream). I suppose time will tell. However, the subject of my spirituality and the strength of it (#5) has come up repeatedly since the Reading. I am not sure of the significance of it being near the Stand Your Ground card, except perhaps if I am steadfast in my choice to make a living as a writer and narrator of erotica that I will find it a source of spiritual strength, too. #6 is an injunction to be hopeful, not negative, because I become blocked if I do.
#7 is about mental conflict, which he said to resolve by going with my intuition. Which is interesting at this time because I am in the process of re-thinking everything I am up to, and I have been following my intuition, all the while I am being pulled in different directions (#10) with regards to family, friends, lovers, traveling, and the various income opportunities that are surfacing. On this card (#10) he said to slow down, meditate, and think about what I want to do, which is rather similar to what he said on card #2.
#8, #9, and #12 (along with #1) seem to indicate success, triumph, rewards, joy and celebration. It is fun thinking that he sees that in my future, and that it will be so even given the two "loss" cards (#2 & #4) early on in the Reading. He tied #13, Suffering in silence, to card #4's "regret about something started and not fulfilled, but states that overall, my regrets will be outweighed by the great life I'll live.
Exciting! I'm posting this out here so I can look back at it sometime in the future and (hopefully) marvel at the accuracy.
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